生活是一場長跑,在行將就木之前,任何時刻所取得的成功都只是下一階段的起點。有人因為一時的成功而裹足不前,比如中國各省歷年的高考的狀元,在后來取得顯著成就的,你能說出幾個人的名字來?有人面對眼前的厄運平淡對待、奮起直追、后來居上,比如Hao Wu,他曾經(jīng)就讀的華東師范大學和紐約州立大學石溪分校并不算院校,但他后來讓普林斯頓大學刮目相看。
一向名列前茅的李波從成都七中考到四川大學,在心理上肯定會有很大的失落感。但他還是踏踏實實地走著學術道路,終獲得了哈佛大學和加州理工學院(California Institute of Technology)的博士全額獎學金。
李波曾經(jīng)用來申請哈佛大學的個人陳述(Personal Statement)非常專業(yè)、漂亮,我一直保留著作為勉勵學生的范本,希望每一個有志去哈佛的學生能夠領悟到“”的涵義:
“For Whom the Bell Tolls” explored the interconnection of mankind, that all of mankind’s destinies are tied together, that we are all one and the same. Whatever I do will have an effect on others but that one has to learn to stand alone before he can stand with others. This struck a chord with me and I have taken it to heart as my motto in the way I live my life. My family and my community are my constant touchstones in my quest to find my full potential, pushing me to do my best in all my endeavors.My interest in the field of mathematics was cultivated in the thick academic atmosphere formed by the family members most of whom took up research work.
I am convinced that scientific beliefs may be due to the persistent and objective truth, and think that in large part, is based on mathematics. Therefore, the choice of learning mathematics in pursuit of my belief logically follows it. In my view, the function of mathematics in the world is achieved through application.
My love for mathematics began at a young age, during which I found it fascinating in all its richness and complexity. I attached great importance to it encouraged myself to explore it further and strive to fully achieve my potential. I excelled at mathematics in my primary and high school years, winning awards in various competitions and other extracurricular activities, capping my early years of study with a superb academic record.
As time went on, I started to ponder two questions: what problems are actually studied by math, the way to solve them,?and how does?math work to?serve our lives.I chose pure math as my undergraduate major, because I think I need to know more to answer the first question and now I have decided to plunge into the field of statistics and operation research, because I want to find an answer to the second one. The more I study math, the more I feel that it has become the most reliable tool for human beings to cognize and analyze the world, which is always truthful to us as long as we are truthful. Borrowing a term in statistics, it has already become our “null hypothesis” for the real world.
Speaking of analyzing the world, mathematics is not full-fledged in its application. In this field, a very important issue is that most of the research done is driven by the existent literature while not the true source where statistics and applied math were born-practical problems in life. In a word, instead of seeking problems and creating paper from the papers of the pioneers in the field, I believe it is more important to look at the practical problem itself and extract what we need from the vast sea of all the mathematical knowledge to make our own way to the best solution.
This is what I am looking to do for my graduate study.As for the preparation, I injected great enthusiasm in the field of mathematics modeling. I received my first award in mathematics modeling, when I was in high school. After entering the university, I participated in the MCM and led my team to the outstanding award. As captain of the team, I was mainly responsible for the model building and the writing of the original version of the paper. It was in this process that I gained valuable experience of solving practical problems and strongly felt that the use of statistical methods and operations research had a tremendous role to play to solve real world problems, which also further cemented my resolve to pursue advanced studies in statistics and operations research.My undergraduate advisor Prof. Luo is now doing research on how to use theories of uncertainty to solve practical problems.
I am very interested in it and have already started to go deeper into this area under his direction. As we all know the statistics studies uncertainty, randomness and variability, while the uncertainty theory contains not just what statistics focuses on. In my opinion, fuzzy mathematics, and other branches of uncertainty theory can also become as mature as the statistics to address practical problems. I am very interested in the different starting points, means and effects of fuzzy mathematics and statistics in solving the same problems.
Thus, I dedicated my
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