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2019/2/26 9:52:47 標(biāo)簽:  來源:美嘉留學(xué)
導(dǎo)讀: 有關(guān)到英國讀大學(xué)學(xué)費貴嗎?本文就是由美嘉專家為大家提供的詳情解析,可供參考。 在線咨詢



阿伯里斯特維斯 (University Alliance) - £9,000

安格利亞魯斯金大學(xué) (Million+) - £8,300

倫敦藝術(shù)大學(xué) (No affiliation) - £9,000

阿斯頓大學(xué) (No affiliation) - £9,000

威爾士班戈大學(xué) (No affiliation) - £9,000

巴斯大學(xué) (1994 Group) - £9,000

巴斯泉大學(xué) (Million+) - £9,000

伯明翰大學(xué) (Russell Group) - £9,000

伯明翰城市大學(xué) (Million+) - range of fees between £7,500 and £9,000

波爾頓大學(xué) (Million+) - range of variable fees between £6,300 and £8,400

波恩茅斯大學(xué) - range of variable fees between £8,200 and £9,000

布拉德福德大學(xué) (University Alliance) - £9,000

布賴頓大學(xué) (No affiliation) - £9,000

布里斯托大學(xué) (Russell Group) - £9,000

布魯內(nèi)耳大學(xué) (No affiliation) - £9,000

劍橋大學(xué) (Russell Group) - £9,000

坎特伯里基督大學(xué) (No affiliation) - £8,500

卡迪夫大學(xué) (Russell Group) - £9,000

切斯特大學(xué) (No affiliation) - £9,000

奇切斯特大學(xué) (No affiliation) - £8,500

倫敦城市大學(xué) (No affiliation) - £9,000

考文垂大學(xué) (Million+) - range of variable fees between £7,500 and £9,000

哥比亞大學(xué) (GuildHE) - £8,400

德蒙特福德大學(xué) De Montfort University (University Alliance) - £9,000

德比大學(xué) University of Derby (Million+) - range of variable fees up to £8,000

杜倫大學(xué) Durham University (1994 Group) - £9,000

東英格利亞大學(xué) University of East Anglia (1994 Group) - £9,000

東倫敦大學(xué) University of East London (Million+) - £9,000

邊山大學(xué) Edge Hill University (No affiliation) - £9,000

埃塞克斯大學(xué)University of Essex (1994 Group) - £9,000

??巳卮髮W(xué)University of Exeter (1994 Group) - £9,000

格拉摩根打算學(xué)University of Glamorgan (University Alliance) - £9,000

格魯斯特大學(xué)University of Gloucestershire (Million+) - £8,250

金史密斯學(xué)院Goldsmiths, University of London (1994 Group) - £9,000

赫特福德郡大學(xué)(University Alliance) - range of variable fees up to £8,500

哈德斯菲爾德大學(xué)University of Huddersfield (University Alliance) - £7,950

赫爾大學(xué)University of Hull (No affiliation) - £9,000

帝國理工學(xué)院Imperial College London (Russell Group) - £9,000

基爾大學(xué)Keele University (No affiliation) - £9,000

肯特大學(xué)University of Kent (No affiliation) - £9,000

倫敦大學(xué)國王學(xué)院King's College London (Russell Group) - £9,000

金斯頓大學(xué)Kingston University (Million+) - range of variable fees up to £9,000

蘭卡斯特大學(xué)Lancaster University (1994 Group) - £9,000

利茲大學(xué)University of Leeds (Russell Group) - £9,000

利茲都市大學(xué)Leeds Metropolitan University (Million+) - £8,500

萊切斯特大學(xué)University of Leicester (1994 Group) - £9,000

林肯大學(xué) University of Lincoln (University Alliance) - £9,000

利物浦大學(xué) University of Liverpool (Russell Group) - £9,000

利物浦約翰摩爾大學(xué)Liverpool John Moores University (University Alliance) - £9,000

倫敦政治經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)院 London School of Economics (Russell Group) - £8,500

倫敦南岸大學(xué) London South Bank University (Million+) - £8,450

拉夫堡大學(xué) Loughborough University (1994 Group) - £9,000

曼徹斯特大學(xué) University of Manchester (Russell Group) - £9,000

曼徹斯特城市大學(xué)Manchester Metropolitan University - range of variable fees up to £9,000

密德薩斯大學(xué) Middlesex University (Million+) - £9,000

紐卡斯?fàn)柎髮W(xué) Newcastle University (Russell Group) - £9,000

諾森比亞大學(xué) Northumbria University (University Alliance) - £8,500

諾丁漢大學(xué) University of Nottingham (Russell Group) - £9,000

牛津大學(xué) University of Oxford (Russell Group) - £9,000

牛津布魯克斯大學(xué) Oxford Brookes University (University Alliance) - £9,000

普利茅斯大學(xué) University of Plymouth (University Alliance) - £9,000

樸茨茅斯大學(xué)University of Portsmouth (University Alliance) - £8,500

倫敦大學(xué)瑪麗皇后學(xué)院 Queen Mary, University of London (1994 Group) - £9,000

雷丁大學(xué) University of Reading (1994 Group) - £9,000

羅漢普頓大學(xué) Roehampton University (Million+) - range of variable fees up to £8,250

索爾福德大學(xué) University of Salford - range of variable fees between £8,000 and £9,000

倫敦大學(xué)亞非學(xué)院 School of Oriental and African Studies (1994 Group) - £9,000

謝菲爾德大學(xué) University of Sheffield (Russell Group) - £9,000

謝菲爾德哈萊姆大學(xué)Sheffield Hallam University (University Alliance) - £8,500

南安普頓大學(xué)University of Southampton (Russell Group) - £9,000

南安普頓索倫特大學(xué) Southampton Solent University (Million+) - £7,800

史塔??ご髮W(xué)Staffordshire University - range of variable fees between £7,490 and £8,490

桑德蘭大學(xué) University of Sunderland (Million+) - range of variable fees between £7,800 and £8,500

薩里大學(xué) University of Surrey (1994 Group) - £9,000

蘇塞克斯大學(xué) University of Sussex (1994 Group) - £9,000

提茲塞德大學(xué) Teesside University (Million+/University Alliance) - £8,500

倫敦大學(xué)學(xué)院 University College London (Russell Group) - £9,000

西英格蘭大學(xué) University of the West of England (University Alliance) - £9,000

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專家人均  千人案例


監(jiān)護(hù)升學(xué)  貼心服務(wù)


追求質(zhì)量  服務(wù)也是產(chǎn)品


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