January 27, trump signed a decree on the suspension of the programme of reception for 120 days, including the Syrian — for an indefinite period. The decree also stipulates the prohibition of entry into the U.S. citizens of the seven predominantly Muslim countries (Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan) at 90 days with the possibility of extension.
The largest American IT companies, including Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Google and Amazon are preparing an open letter in connection with the decision of the President of the United States Donald trump on the introduction of migration restrictions.
Dear President Trump,
Since the country's birth, America has been the land of opportunity—welcoming newcomers and giving them the chance to build families, careers, and businesses in the United States. We are a nation made stronger by immigrants. As entrepreneurs and business leaders, our ability to grow our companies and create jobs depends on the contributions of immigrants from all backgrounds.
We share your goal of ensuring that our immigration system meets today's security needs and keeps our country safe. We are concerned, however, that your recent executive order will affect many visa holders who work hard here in the United States and contribute to our country's success. In a global economy, it is critical that we continue to attract the best and brightest from around the world. We welcome the changes your administration has made in recent days in how the Department of Homeland Security will implement the executive order, and we stand ready to help your administration identify other opportunities to ensure that our employees can travel with predictability and without undue delay.
Our nation's compassion is a part of what makes it exceptional, and we are committed to helping your administration identify approaches for thorough screening without a blanket suspension of admissions under the U.S. Refugee Admissions program. While security and vetting procedures can and should always be subject to continuous evaluation and improvement, a blanket suspension is not the right approach.
Similarly, we stand ready to identify ways of helping to achieve your stated goal of bringing clarity to the future of the 750,000 Dreamers in this country under the protections of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in a way "that will make people happy and proud." Removing these protections by barring renewals would effectively end the program and eliminate the ability for these Dreamers to work and live without the fear of deportation.
The business community shares your commitment to growing the American economy and expanding job creation across the country. We hire both thousands of Americans and some of the most talented people from abroad, who work together to help our companies succeed and expand our overall employment. As you contemplate changes to the nation's complex and interconnected immigration policies, whether business and employment-based visas, refugees, or DACA, we hope that you will use us as a resource to help achieve immigration policies that both support the work of American businesses and reflect American values.
1月27日除夕夜,臉書創(chuàng)始人兼CEO扎克伯格發(fā)布了自己和妻子在家包餃子的照片,還用流利的中文給大家拜年。與此同時,扎克伯格一篇長文引發(fā)公眾關(guān)注,在文章中小扎直指移民新禁令稱: “如果幾十年前我們采取這樣的政策,那么我太太的家庭今天就不會在這里。美國是一個移民組成的,我們應(yīng)為此驕傲。對于特朗普總統(tǒng)行政令的后果,我非常擔(dān)心?!?br />
谷歌的高管也高調(diào)支持員工的抗議行動,谷歌CEO桑達(dá)爾·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)對特朗普的移民禁令表示強(qiáng)烈反對,他聲稱:“行政命令對我們的同事造成了個人影響,我們對此感到遺憾。一直以來,我們堅(jiān)持讓公眾了解谷歌對移民問題的看法,未來我們還會這樣做?!惫雀杪?lián)合創(chuàng)始人謝爾蓋·布林(Sergey Brin)本人甚至參與了在舊金山國際機(jī)場的抗議活動。
同時,谷歌美國官網(wǎng)涂鴉Doodle在30日選擇紀(jì)念日裔美國民權(quán)領(lǐng)袖是松豐三郎(Fred Korematsu,出生于1月30日),再次公開抗議美國新任總統(tǒng)特朗普的穆斯林禁令。
1月31日有消息稱,亞馬遜CEO貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)在一封郵件中表示,強(qiáng)烈反對特朗普頒布的移民禁令。
貝索斯在郵件中寫道:“我們不支持這種行政命令。亞馬遜華盛頓DC的公關(guān)團(tuán)隊(duì)已經(jīng)與高級政府官員接觸,向他們表達(dá)我們的立場。我們還與國會領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人接觸,并與各方人士探討能否用立法形式解決此問題。華盛頓州司法部長準(zhǔn)備提交文件反對這一命令,我們的法務(wù)團(tuán)隊(duì)準(zhǔn)備支持他。我們還在尋找其它法律選擇?!?br />
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