How to say zero in English is very important to avoid misunderstandings, especially onthe telephone or in video conferences. As a non-native speaker, you might saythe figure zero as a plain zero which is absolutely fine, but often an English native speaker will use a number of ways to say zero depending on where they are from. So understanding what they mean is important.
0 is zeroand in British English, it’s sometimes known as nought.
Intelephone numbers, room numbers, bus numbers and dates (years), we say oh.
The meeting is in Room 502 (five oh two)在502開會You need to take Bus 205 (two oh five)您需要乘坐205號公交She was born in 1907 (nineteen oh seven)她出生于1907年My telephone number is 07781 020 560 (oh double seven eight one oh two oh five six oh OR zero seven seven eight one zero two zero five six zero)我的電話號碼是07781 020 560For football scores we say nil: ‘The score was three nil (3-0) to Barcelona’.
如:"和巴塞羅那隊的比分是3-0(three nil )"American English uses various words for sports scores: The Yankees are winning three nothing/ three zero/ three zip.
美式英語有多種方式表達比賽得分中的“0”,如:洋基隊3-0戰(zhàn)勝了對手,“3-0”就可以說成“three nothing/ three zero/ three zip”。
如果是網(wǎng)球比分,我們就會用“l(fā)ove”表示“0”,比分是30-0就說成“The score was thirty love.(30-0)”
如果表示溫度,我們就用“zero”,如:今天0度就是‘It’s zero degrees celsius today(0°)The decimal point (Notice that in English we say decimal point, and not a dot as ininternet addresses). In British English, zero and nought are used before andafter a decimal point.
American English does not use nought.小數(shù)點(注意英語中用“decimal point”來表示小數(shù)點,而不是網(wǎng)址中的“dot”),在英式英語中“zero”和“nought ”可以用在小數(shù)點之前和之后。美式英語則不用“nought”。
Oh can beused after the decimal point.
0.05就是“ zero point zero five”或者“nought point nought five”
0.5% 就是“ zero point fivepercent ”或者“ nought point five percent”
0.501 就是“zero point five zero one”或者“ nought pointfive nought one”或者“ nought/zero pointfive oh one”
大家暈了嗎?不用急,Like everything in this world, practice makesperfect!只要多在工作中使用這些說法,就不會混淆了。
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